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What is C2C?

What is C2C?

What is C2C? C2C stands for consumer-to-consumer. It is an online business model primarily used for e-commerce implementation. its management is based on collaboration, as transactions are carried out between consumers. In other words, there is no intervention by suppliers or primary producers of the products offered in C2C.

What is C2C? What Does It Mean?

What is C2C?

C2C is an online business model that puts one end consumer in contact with another in order to buy and sell a product. With C2C, all kinds of products can be commercialized between individuals. Marketplaces such as Dolap and eBay are popular platforms for C2C.

Specific online platforms are used to exchange goods in this way. The exchange takes place in a space that includes various useful tools and especially security. In exchange for these benefits, these C2C platforms receive certain commissions for negotiations approved internally. In general, sales on these portals are made by ordinary people, individuals, and the vast majority of products are second-hand.

How Does C2C Work?

What is C2C?

C2C takes place through websites, but most sellers and consumers prefer marketplace channels that specialize in selling through C2C. They also transact through social networks, especially Facebook.

In this type of trade, the seller offers his product or service for sale on one of these marketplace sites and then waits for the consumer to contact and negotiate to make the transaction. Since it is a transaction between two consumers, formalities are generally avoided. Delivery takes place by cargo.

What are C2C Features?

What is C2C?

Now that we have explained what C2C is, let's talk about its characteristics. This business model between consumers and often with second-hand products is quite specific. The most important thing is that it is a livelier, more direct business. The person selling the product will always be in contact with everyone who is interested in it. The conditions for reaching an agreement are much more flexible than in other forms of electronic commerce. And not only people from the same city are sold the product. A deal can be reached with a buyer from any city.

The amount of product that can be obtained in C2C trade is variable. Consumers can review products and choose the one with the best cost-benefit ratio. For sellers, it is one of the fastest ways to offer products and gets results in a few days. As for the costs per publication, they are almost zero. Because the platform always earns when it is sold. This detail varies depending on the marketplace, but in general, a commission rate is deducted from each sale.

What are the Differences Between C2C and B2B?

What is C2C?

The main difference is that B2C involves manufacturing companies. So it is more geared towards mass consumption. It offers various brands and their products or services. C2C, on the other hand, focuses on offering customized solutions with unique added value.

In B2C, standard prices are set. C2C sets base market prices that are open to negotiation. Time is also a differentiating factor in product sales processes. For B2C, it can take days or weeks to get a product out of inventory. For C2C, on the other hand, there can be hours or several days between publishing and selling.

Also, the buying process is one of the differences between these two business models. Unlike the C2C model, which has only one step to purchase, there can be multiple steps for B2C. As for the complexity of this process, the B2C process can be less simple. This is because in most cases aspects such as delivery or payment terms cannot be changed or negotiated. The consumer-to-consumer model, on the other hand, is completely flexible thanks to communication. Elements such as the form of payment and delivery are agreed by the parties.

What is C2C in terms of Advantages?

What is C2C?

The C2C business has grown in the last few years and like anything else it has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the main advantages are the following:

  • Buying and selling goods between individuals is very simple.
  • This kind of market is accessible to everyone.
  • It is possible to find every product, fashionable or not.
  • It allows individuals from other geographical regions to buy and sell.
  • Shopping at the most affordable prices is in question.
  • It allows direct negotiation.

What is C2C in terms of Disadvantages?

What is C2C?

The disadvantages of C2C are:

  • The recipient may feel vulnerable.
  • The product may not be exactly as described.
  • Fraud is more common than in other trading channels.
  • There may be problems when sending an item.
  • The broker or the platform is not responsible for trades.
  • Products are not guaranteed.

What are Examples of C2C?

What is C2C?

There are numerous platforms where you can start a C2C business.

  • Locker: It is a marketplace that offers a platform dedicated to the sale of second-hand goods between individuals through an app available for Android and iOS. In addition, not only second-hand products but also new products are sold.
  • eBay: eBay is a platform designed for e-commerce and auctions. It is currently one of the reference websites in this type of trade thanks to the high number of users spread all over the world. On eBay you can find almost any type of product and, unlike other platforms with these characteristics, it has qualities that increase security and protection for the buyer.
  • Marketplace: Facebook platform and one of the most used because of the ease of sharing products within the platform and reaching more people.

If you want to build a C2C platform; you need marketplace extensions Gurmehub collection!

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