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Things to Consider About On-Page SEO

Things to Consider About On-Page SEO

There are some things to consider when creating your content so that it helps you improve your position in Google search results. For this on-page SEO applications take a step forward. So, what should you pay attention to in on-page SEO? Let's examine what you need to know about the subject.

On-Page SEO Considerations

On-Page SEO

When creating content for a page or blog, it is important to pay attention to SEO rules on various pages. The things to know about this are listed as follows:

  • Avoid short content. Make sure the post is at least 300 words so that Google recognizes your content. Ideally, we recommend that your content is at least 500 words.
  • Kopya içeriğe dikkat edin. İçeriğiniz özgün olmalıdır. Google, yinelenen içeriğin %20’sine kadar izin verir. Diğer makalelerden ilham alabilirsiniz, ancak kopyalanması yasaktır. Bundan dolayı sayfa içi SEO konusunda en önemli noktalardan biri de kesinlikle özgünlüktür.
  • Watch out for title length. When you do a search in Google search results, many times you will find that titles are too long and truncated. Your title should not exceed 60 characters and yes, spaces are characters too, so be careful!
  • Check the length of meta descriptions. When doing on-page SEO, we should look at the size of the meta description as well as the size of the title. Here we have a little more margin. It should not exceed 160 characters or stay below 130. It should also be taken into account that spaces are important.
  • Optimize your images. As important as text is for on-page SEO, optimizing images is also extremely important. For this reason, images also need to be subjected to a certain processing. When uploading the image to the dashboard, an alt text and description should be added. You should upload it with a file name that contains a keyword and use it in the title and description of the image. Do not upload images over 100 kb. Ideally, you should compress the image before uploading it. You can use free tools to compress images.
  • Optimize the URL. URL optimization is the right way to tell search engines what your content is about.

Things to Remember When Improving On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

While doing on-page SEO, let's look at other issues that will affect your content to be more or less SEO-oriented:

  • Comprehensive content: Comprehensive content tells Google that you are an expert in the field and can contribute on a specific topic. However, it is always difficult to create posts with comprehensive content. It's important that they exceed 300 words, are evergreen content and are written in detail. And of course, originality is also extremely important.
  • Author page: Indicate who wrote each post. Make sure there is even a page about the author, or that you give Google information so that it knows who the author is.
  • Number of publications: The more content you publish, the better. But quality and quantity is a very important detail in articles. It is useless to write an article a day if the content you publish contributes nothing. Determine what your customers' demands are and also be aware of what their search intentions are.
  • Loading speed: Evaluating your website's performance is very important. Use tools like Google Page Insights and find out how fast your page is. The main causes of poor performance are: oversized images, themes that take up too much space, excessive plugins and finally hosting.

As you know, for a website to have a privileged position in search results, we should not only look at factors that we can optimize on our own website. Off-page SEO, such as the reputation of the brand, is also important. For this reason, you should not forget to improve your web page with technical SEO and local SEO studies. You can improve the SEO and usage of your website in a positive way WordPress plugins You can visit our page for more information.

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