
Things to consider in e-commerce with subscription system

Things to consider in e-commerce with subscription system

What is the Subscription Model?

Subscription model e-commerce systems are very popular these days. You subscribe to the service/product once and the e-commerce site ensures that your product/service reaches you in the periods you specify.

For example, netflix.com, bluetv.com or product subscription coffee.comhappycatboxes.com can be given. The subscription system works much more easily in virtual service businesses because virtual is not a physical thing that does not need to be delivered.

In e-commerce sites operating on the basis of this model, credit card information is stored and the membership fee specified in the recurrence period is withdrawn.

Things to consider in e-commerce with subscription system

User Considerations?

  • When signing up for a subscription model, be sure to check the card storage form for PCI-DSS supported card storage. Organizations with this certificate are professional companies that have passed quality audits for storing card information.
  • Make sure that your card is not maxed out during the subscription period.

What Should E-Commerce Owners Pay Attention to?

  • Include everything that can reassure the customer. Customer reviews, opinions etc.
  • Clearly inform the user about subscription fees, withdrawal times and estimated delivery time.
  • Inform and even warn the user that these transactions cannot be made with cards and debit cards that support 3D secure.
  • Inform the user 1 or 2 days before withdrawing the membership fee from the card.
  • If possible, make a transaction of 0.1 cents before the subscription process, then cancel it and subscribe the user to your site after this check.
  • If your e-commerce site works with product subscriptions, add flexible shipping times for the packages you create.
  • Work with competent intermediary organizations for payment transactions. iyzico, payu etc.
  • There is no need to print an e-commerce script from scratch. ready-made scripts such as wooCommerce (Subscription plugin), OpenCart have plugins for these jobs, choose one and use it. you will save both time and money.

How to set up a subscription model e-commerce site with iyzico

The internet has also started to shift towards e-commerce subscription models, and we wanted to prepare a mini document for e-commerce site owners and users.

If you are going to set up an e-commerce system that does business with wooCommerce by taking recurring payments, storing credit cards GourmetWoo's developed by iyziPos+ and you can do it with the wooCommerce subscription plugin.

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