WordPress Plugins

Best WordPress E-Commerce Plugins

Best WordPress E-Commerce Plugins

Options for creating an online store is increasing every year. Shopify and BigCommerce SaaS (software as a service) platforms like WordPress and equally powerful WordPress e-commerce plugins. But being able to turn your existing WordPress site into a fully functional online store is the real reason to use wordpress. One day you might be blogging and growing your following, and the next day you can open a product gallery with eBooks and products.

Selling your own products is really one of the best ways to make money online and it can be done with a handy little plugin.

This one WordPress e-commerce plugins is possible. Also With SaaS products and benefits, excellent support resources, thriving development communities, and an integration with the easiest content management system in the world. So whatever you sell - your donuts or your digital products - you'll be able to sell it in an online store that's up and running in just a few minutes

The plugins we will summarize below are the best wordpress e-commerce plugins at the moment. However, some cater to different users, while others are more suitable for selling specific products. For example, you may only need to sell video content on your website. Whether you're trying to grow it as a digital retailer or you want to invest time in a physical product store, understanding which WordPress e-commerce plugin is perfect for your organization will give you a 1-step head start.

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2020's Best WordPress E-Commerce Plugins

Considering that most serious businesses plan to test and compare eCommerce plugins until they find the right ones, we have a full review of each of the best WordPress eCommerce plugins below. However, if you're in a hurry or want to start testing ecommerce plugins yourself, here's a quick list of your best options.

  1. WooCommerce
  2. Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)
  3. Cart66 Cloud
  4. Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart
  5. WP EasyCart Shopping Cart
  6. BigCommerce WordPress

A Review of the Best WordPress E-Commerce Plugins in 2020

When looking at WordPress eCommerce plugins, we wanted to understand what the most important features are, as outlined above. After that, it's crucial to figure out what makes each of these plugins stand out compared to the others. You'll find that some e-commerce plugins have more features overall, while others are better for simple, clean stores. On the other hand, you will find that there are a few niche wordpress ecommerce plugins for completing specific actions, such as selling digital downloads online.

We will make comparisons of these plugins by highlighting the most advantageous areas of the 5 most used and recommended e-commerce plugins on WordPress sites. If you are curious about the advantages and differences of these plugins, keep reading.

1. WooCommerce


The reason WooCommerce continues to grow is that it was eventually acquired by Automattic, the organization that runs WordPress.

WooCommerce, to quickly create and expand an online store is often considered one of the best solutions when working. You can create a store for your blog with five products or feature a large collection of thousands of products. The price of the plugin is always the same: free.

Besides hosting, many companies still pay for certain elements that integrate with WooCommerce. For example, many premium WordPress themes are made to work perfectly with WooCommerce, with a shopping cart and beautiful product galleries. You may also decide that you need one or two extensions to enhance the functionality of your store. WooCommerce has its own extension store and you can find a wide range of third-party developers who create extensions for WooCommerce.

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Why Use WooCommerce?

  • The average small store doesn't need to spend any money to get WooCommerce. Even themes and plugins are not that expensive, so WooCommerce is an affordable way to open an online store.
  • WooCommerce is the most popular WordPress e-commerce plugin. With its relationship with Automattic and its large developer community, it is a wordpress e-commerce plugin that is constantly updated and evolving.
  • Many developers create extensions to solve problems that store owners may experience.
  • WooCommerce allows you to sell pretty much anything you want.
  • Most e-commerce themes for WordPress are built around WooCommerce.
  • Both new users and advanced users can easily understand and use WooCommerce. While the dashboard is understandable enough for those who are new to the field, the REST API, documentation and open source code open up many different plugin ideas for many developers.

2. Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is an easy-to-understand wordpress e-commerce plugin built to enable you to manage and sell your digital products in WordPress. WooCommerce can also be used in this space, but EDD has more features focused on digital selling and the interface is designed in a much more intuitive way. Therefore, if you only sell items like eBooks, PDF files or audio clips (and nothing physical), we recommend using EDD over other WordPress eCommerce plugins. One of the reasons for EDD's success is that the core plugin is free. You install it on your website and you immediately have a digital sales platform with discount codes, file access control and event tracking features.


You can create galleries and EDD themes to choose from. When someone buys a product from your website, the system sends them an email with a download link. EDDprovides a complete shopping cart so you process payments on your website and minimize the number of clicks required.

Why Use Easy Digital Downloads?

  • Digital downloads work best for selling because they remove the features of physical products and have more advanced solutions for things like eBooks and music.
  • You can create a more advanced digital store by allowing front-end submissions or including software licensing.
  • There are also many options for choosing your own payment gateway.
  • The primary plugin is completely free. The average small business or artist will have no problem implementing it and making the sales process work well.
  • Advanced developers also use EDD. They can take advantage of the RESTful API for full control over customizations.
  • Main features include a complete shopping cart, customer management, discount codes and data reporting. You can also find tools for refund tracking, affiliate systems, mailing lists and more.

3. Cart66 Cloud

Cart66 Cloud has built its plugin as a smart platform for all kinds of people. Because making your site work with a collection of plugins and extensions can often be challenging. That's why Cart66 Cloud gives you a WordPress e-commerce plugin with most of its built-in features. It is easy to configure and reviews from users are mostly positive. It's hard to go up against WooCommerce in the ecommerce space, but Cart66 Cloud has a solid niche. It's one of the best plugins for those who don't want to bother with plugins. In fact, Cart66 Cloud might be better for ordinary people who don't consider themselves developers.


Another interesting aspect of Cart66 Cloud is the company's own seller's market . While we personally don't see this as a huge advantage (since the average person won't shop online through Cart66 Marketplace), it's another way to get the word out about your business.

Why Use Cart66 Cloud Plugin?

  • The customer support team is known as one of the best in the industry.
  • There are free and premium features.
  • All features are included in the plugin, so you don't need to search and configure plugins. You also don't need to hire a developer or learn how to code.
  • Most of the development work was completed behind the scenes by the Cart66 team.
  • Cart66's email marketing is more powerful than some competitors. For example, tools for list segmentation, campaigns and scheduled follow-up emails are at your disposal.
  • Cart66 is a wordpress e-commerce plugin compatible for both physical and digital products. So, if you want to sell some eBooks and shoes at the same time, it is possible.
  • Unlike most other e-commerce plugins that require you to install a plugin, the plugin provides over 100 built-in payment gateways.

4. Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart

It looks like WooCommerce but actually has excellent ratings and a setup that is quite different. One of the main differences is that Ecwid can be used on any website you want. The same goes for Tumblr, Facebook, WordPress and more. Alternatively, WooCommerce is only a WordPress plugin. This is a good thing, but you are limited to this single content management system.

Therefore, we think many users looking for more built-in tools will prefer Ecwid. It is similar to Cart66 where features are already available and not scattered across a library or third-party developers. The free plan is strong in terms of the overall online store. You get a mobile responsive shopping cart, support for up to 10 products, and the ability to sell across multiple sites.

Why Use Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart Plugin?

  • Ecwid offers a free plan for up to 10 products. After that, it offers a nice setup process, interface and feature set for reasonable monthly fees.
  • Although Ecwid is a WordPress-based plugin, it can be easily integrated into most CMS dashboards
  • Some plans provide both phone and chat support, while others provide free customizations and priority support.
  • Ecwid is PCI-DCC Certified. So it is trusted for shopping security. For most of the other plugins on the list, you need to get PCI compliance from your hosting provider.
  • Ecwid is strongly focused on helping you sell instantly from multiple sales channels.
  • When you install Ecwid on one site, all store data can be transferred to a different website.

5- WP EasyCart Shopping Cart and eCommerce Store Plugin

Sometimes even basic plugins like WooCommerce, Cart66 or Easy Digital Downloads are not enough for small business owners. WP EasyCart is designed for small business owners who want to create a beautiful online store without the need for any training to use it. The store will still run on WordPress, but it offers a surprisingly fast configuration process.

WP EasyCart, Squarespace or Wix works like a SaaS e-commerce platform. All the basic tools are readily available for you. The only difference is that you have full control over your site with WordPress and your own hosting. Features are surprisingly advanced in the free version, with unlimited product support, live shipping calculators, and an advanced product assortment.

Why Use WP EasyCart Shopping Cart and eCommerce Store Plugin?

  • A free plan is available with unlimited products and various tools for things like taxes, product assortment and video sales.
  • Premium plans offer a lot for small businesses and won't break the bank. With an annual plan of 99 $ per year, small businesses will do just fine.
  •  You benefit from AffiliateWP, MailChimp, Quickbooks, Stamps.com and Groupon.
  • Customer support is advanced and has many instructional videos.
  • WP EasyCart supports the sale of various unique product types such as donations, invoices, eBooks and video content.
  • WP EasyCart has one of the simplest interfaces for small business owners who want to get the site up and running and spend more time day to day.

6. BigCommerce WordPress Plugin

BigCommerce has been running its own e-commerce platform for some time, so it has already provided its own content management system and hosting. However, BigCommerce is now trying to enter the WordPress space with a developer beta.


Why Use BigCommerce Ekelnetisi?

  • You can combine the best content management system with one of the best e-commerce platforms.
  • BigCommerce partners with many processing companies and often gets much better credit card processing rates for its users.
  • The e-commerce part of your site is run on the back-end side, while the content is managed from the front-end, effectively speeding up your site and potentially saving hosting costs for you.
  • All PCI Compliance is managed by BigCommerce. With plugins like WooCommerce, you need to contact your host for this security.
  • You can run the BigCommerce system on multiple sites
  • Summary

    While WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads are typically the eCommerce plugins we see users choosing, that doesn't always mean they're the right choice. That's the great thing about WordPress, you have different options. So which one is best for your business?

    • If you are a developer who needs a lot of customization tools – WooCommerce or consider Easy Digital Downloads.
    • E- to trade completely new if you are starting out, consider Cart66 or WP EasyCart. Many people can also start with WooCommerce.
    • If you want many selected features for small businesses - Consider WP EasyCart.
    • If you are looking for a free basic e-commerce plugin - Think WooCommerce.
    • If you want to keep your costs low with fewer plugins, Consider Cart66 Cloud or WP EasyCart.
    • If you like the idea of plugins - Think WooCommerce.
    • If you only sell digital products - Think Easy Digital Downloads.
    • If you want to sell on many channels - Think of Ecwid.
    • If you like the idea of combining powerful BigCommerce with WordPress - Think BigCommerce Beta.

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