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What is WooCommerce HPOS? How to Activate it?

What is WooCommerce HPOS? How to Activate it?

Empower Your Store with WooCommerce HPOS

Success in the e-commerce world is based on customer satisfaction and fast transaction processes. WooCommerce, which is indispensable for WordPress-based e-commerce sites, stands out with its user-friendly interface and wide range of features. However, coping with increasing order volumes for a growing business can bring some performance challenges. This is where WooCommerce HPOS comes in and promises to make your store faster and more efficient.

Don't Fear High Volume Orders with WooCommerce HPOS

With WooCommerce HPOS support, it offers a breakthrough for e-commerce sites, enabling businesses to receive more orders. This solution breaks the boundaries of traditional WordPress database structures and helps sites cope with high demand. By storing order data in an optimized way, HPOS speeds up order processing and provides customers with a smoother shopping experience. This allows sites to take more orders without hesitation in the face of higher traffic and demand. Supporting business growth, this solution allows WooCommerce users to gain a competitive advantage and increase customer satisfaction. Discover WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage and unlock the full potential of your site to meet more orders and faster transaction processes.

The Key to Performance High-Performance Order Storage

WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage is a solution developed to solve these performance issues. Traditional post and post_meta logic can cause performance problems with large amounts of data, which can slow down page loads and slow down checkout processes.

How WooCommerce HPOS Works

Those who are closely interested in the subject know that all WordPress content is linked to a post and post_meta tables that are linked to it. This means that if you create a page, post, product, order, this will be processed using post and post_meta tables at the end of the day. With the HPOS feature, the order data is divided into different tables created by WooCommerce. This prevents the existing tables from increasing in size and increases performance by creating a table specific only to the order.

How Much Will My Store's Performance Be Affected?

According to WooCommerce's tests, there is a 1.5-fold acceleration. For performance benchmarks published on the WooCommerce blog on March 17, 2023 I recommend you to review the article at. High-Performance Order Storage increases database performance and speeds up transaction processes by storing WooCommerce order data in a special way.

How to Activate WooCommerce HPOS?

In order to activate the HPOS feature, all your plugins must be compatible with it.

You can enable and enjoy this feature from WooCommerce->Settings->Advanced->Features menu.

how to turn on woocommerce hpos support
Customize Your Website, Grow Your Business

Key Benefits

  1. Fast Order Processing: High-Performance Order Storage stores order data in a more optimized way, so order processing is faster. Your customers can complete the checkout process seamlessly and complete their purchases in less time.
  2. Database Optimization: Traditional database structure often struggles to cope with large databases. High-Performance Order Storage boosts your store's overall performance with database optimization and speeds up page loads.
  3. Scalability: As your business grows, WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage can comfortably adapt to increasing order volumes. This scalability allows your store to grow smoothly in the long run.

How to Solve HPOS Errors

"this plugin should not be enabled as it is incompatible with the enabled woocommerce feature 'high-performance order storage'."

In order to use the HPOS feature, all plugins must report support for this feature. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to solve this problem. You should contact the plugin developer and request HPOS support to be added


WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage can be the key to power up your WordPress-based store. It provides a performance boost, increases customer satisfaction and helps you gain a competitive advantage. If you want to increase the speed and efficiency of your store, meet High-Performance Order Storage and take your business to the next level. If you don't enable HPOS, WooCommerce will try to do it itself with scheduled tasks, but this will put extra load on your server.

All WordPress in our plugins We support this process by adding WooCommerce HPOS support.

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