What is Fraud?

Fraud is when a person or organization engages in misleading or fraudulent behavior to gain an unfair advantage. In the context of e-commerce and online payments, fraud usually refers to fraudulent activities committed for financial gain. Such fraud can be perpetrated in a variety of ways, and some common examples include

  1. Credit Card Fraud: Fraudsters can make online purchases using stolen or fraudulent credit card information. In this case, the cardholder or business may suffer financial losses.
  2. Identity Theft: One person's personal information can be used as an identity in someone else's online transactions. This can happen through actions such as opening fake accounts, taking out loans or making purchases in someone else's name.
  3. Phishing Attacks: In this type of attack, fraudsters often try to obtain personal information (credit card details, passwords, etc.) through emails, messages or websites that look real, but are fake.
  4. Fake Websites or Counterfeit Products: Scammers can create websites that look real but sell fake products or steal user information during shopping.
  5. Refund Fraud: Customers can request a refund by returning the products they have received, but they do not actually return the product or return another product.
  6. Payment Redirection Scam: Directing payment information to accounts controlled by fraudsters, thereby transferring payments to fraudsters' accounts.

In the e-commerce and online payment sectors, fraud prevention is crucial for businesses and customers. For this purpose, various security measures and fraud detection systems are used. For example, two-factor authentication, strong password policies, suspicious transaction detection systems, SSL certificates and customer verification procedures are examples of such measures. Such measures are intended to increase the security of both customers and businesses.