What is a Payment Infrastructure?

Payment infrastructure is a set of technological solutions that enable customers to pay for products and services. This infrastructure allows businesses to perform payment transactions securely, quickly and seamlessly in online and physical stores. Today, payment infrastructures have become one of the cornerstones of e-commerce and are indispensable for businesses.

Payment infrastructures support different payment methods (credit cards, debit cards, online wallets, bank transfers, etc.) and ensure secure transactions. These systems include the necessary security protocols to encrypt and securely process customer information during the payment process. They also offer businesses the ability to track, report and analyze payment transactions.

Along with advancing technology, payment infrastructures are constantly renewing and evolving. Innovative payment methods such as mobile payment solutions, contactless payments and cryptocurrencies have become part of modern payment infrastructures. These innovations make it possible for businesses to reach a wider customer base and gain a competitive advantage.

Some payment infrastructures in Turkey are PayTR, iyzico, Lidio and Paratik. Licensed payment institutions https://www.tcmb.gov.tr/wps/wcm/connect/TR/TCMB+TR/Main+Menu/Temel+Faaliyetler/Odeme+Hizmetleri/Odeme+Kuruluslari You can reach them at