
Top 5 Most Important Integrations for WooCommerce

Top 5 Most Important Integrations for WooCommerce

You have a WordPress infrastructure and you want to build an e-Commerce site. The only address for this should be WooCommerce. If If you haven't read the article where we compared Opencart and WooCommerce, we recommend you to read it for a start

To continue our topic, you have installed the WooCommerce plugin and now you have an eCommerce site. But how can you compete with many quality e-Commerce sites in the market? The answer lies in unlimited development and innovation for your site. In this article, we will talk about the 5 most important ones that you can integrate with WooCommerce and we will present you our plugin recommendations.

Top 5 Most Important Integrations for WooCommerce

Virtual Pos

The services of POS (point of sale) devices, which we often hear the name of and use when paying with credit cards in store shopping, used over the internet or online POS-VPOS (virtual point of sale) or virtual pos It is called.

Virtual POS's operation is based on the fact that just as the payment process takes place in the store when you swipe your credit card on the device, the information entered on the internet is based on the transfer of the money, which is the price of the product and service purchased from the buyer's account in the bank and credit institution, to the seller's bank account.

Accounting Integration

An effective income and expenditure management is vital for the future of the business. At the same time, effective daily monitoring of cash flow and profitability levels provides you with important data for the smooth functioning of the business decision-making mechanism. You can use a practical online pre-accounting program that allows you to save your time and energy to make tracking these issues easier to understand and error-free. We will explain in the continuation of our topic parachute is ideal software.

WooCommerce Parachute Plugin What is WooParachute?

Your product or service to be sold, hosting, domain name, design and infrastructure to be used (WooCommerce) you have completed the steps and sales have started. You do not need to worry about accounting processes, cargo and shipping processes. With WooParachute, your orders are automatically Parachute and speed up your processes considerably. Also pin your research program  If you have an e-Invoice subscription, you can instantly and automatically send e-Archive or e-Invoice to your customers in an official way.

Cargo Integration

The increasing volume of e-commerce transactions every year causes online sales companies to lose a lot of time, especially in e-commerce processes that they follow manually.
Many e-commerce companies that want to use time efficiently and try to minimize the margin of error in transactions prefer integration solutions.

woocommerce shipping integration plugin

WooKargo PRO

One of the most important and difficult operations of e-commerce sites that sell products is cargo processes. In this process carried out outside your business, customers want to be informed and reach their products intact. WooKargo PRO automates your cargo information processes by working in a fully integrated manner with the systems of cargo companies providing widespread service in Turkey and by making one-click transactions. In this way, it helps you to make error-free and easy transactions.

 Installment Book Plugin

With our WooCommerce iyzico installment tab plugin, you can present the table showing credit cards, installment options and total amounts to your customers on the product promotion page of your wooCommerce-based e-Commerce site before your customers add their products to the cart. With iyziTaksit plugin, you can positively change customer feedback without having problems with payment by showing all the options you offer to your customers on your sales page.


Features of our iyziTaxit Plugin

  • According to Test and Live distinctions, different apis can be used.
  • You can disable the installment option for products in categories where installments are not desired.
  • Supports installment options for all credit card types supported by iyzico (Garanti Bank - Bonus Card İş Bank - Maximum Hsbc - Advantage Akbank - Axess Finans Bank - Cardfinans Halk Bank - Paraf Yapıkredi Bank - Word

Pazaryeri Integration

Those who want to sell on the internet but do not want to deal with setting up their own site can find a place in the marketplaces and earn money. With this method, costs such as site establishment, site maintenance, operation and marketing are eliminated. Moreover, selling on a site with high brand awareness is an opportunity to reach more people and to eliminate buyers' doubts about trust.

iyzibazaar+ iyzico woocommerce marketplace


IyziBazaar+, which you can use for your E-Commerce site working with the marketplace model using WooCommerce and WCVendor, Dokan, WCFM (WC Lovers), Product Vendors systems, to receive payments through iyzico, to create vendors, to perform cart fee distributions according to the commission amount you set, allows you to save time and provide a quality and error-free service to your customers with many more advanced features.

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