E-Commerce, Payment Add-ons

How to Make WooCommerce VakıfBank Virtual Pos Integration?

How to Make WooCommerce VakıfBank Virtual Pos Integration?

In the developing E-Commerce world, there has been an incredible increase and demand with covid-19. In this case, it caused many small or medium-sized companies to attach importance to digitalization. In this case, the first address of businesses was WooCommerce because it is free and easy to understand. That is exactly why in this article, What is WooCommerce VakıfBank Virtual Pos Integration? How to do it? We will answer your questions.

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VakıfBank Virtual Pos What is it?


VakıfBank Virtual Posis a system that enables the collection of the price of the service provided or the product sold online without the use of a physical POS.

VPOS (VakıfBank Virtual POS) payment collection method refers to a system that makes it possible to receive the price of a sold good or service by giving instructions online.

Features of VakıfBank Virtual Pos

  • Turkish interface
  • Ability to check security code
  • Possibility to collect transactions made with foreign cards
  • Control sales and other transactions
  • Ability to see daily, total and detailed sales list
  • By integrating with the store program, you can perform actions directly through the store program without connecting to the relevant interface for approval, return and cancellation transactions.

What is VakıfBank Virtual Pos Secure Payment Page?


It is a payment page designed for common use, developed and secured by VakıfBank. It allows online sales transactions to be made with VakıfBank assurance.

If you do not want to host the payment page of your e-commerce site on your own side or if your technical facilities are insufficient, you can use the payment page developed by VakıfBank. VakıfBank Virtual Pos You can use the Secure Payment Page. In addition, since the SSL certificate is not required when using the common payment page, your site cost will be reduced.

VakıfBank does not make any commitment regarding the product or service purchased through this page and emphasized that all transactions in this regard will be the responsibility of the merchant. Also WooCommerce VakıfBank Virtual Pos You can also use the secure payment page.

What is VakıfBank Repeated Collection System?

It is a Virtual POS application developed by VakıfBank for member merchants who receive regular payments from their customers via credit card or who want to make a large number of Mail Order transactions at once. Recurring Collection SystemIt can also be used in the form of collective authorization and the possibility of collecting from multiple credit cards at the same time is also provided by VakıfBank.

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What is VakıfBank Snal Pos 3D Secure?

Developed by Visa and MasterCard to make online transactions more secure, the application commonly known as 3D Secure was put into the service of member merchants by VakıfBank in 2007 under the name Secure Electronic Commerce (GET 7/24).  

GET 7/24, which is said to be the most advanced system developed to increase the security of online shopping systems, is called "Verified by Visa" for Visa credit cards and "SecureCode" for MasterCard credit cards.

3D Secureis to ensure the security of the cardholder who uses a credit card in online shopping transactions by verifying the password forward. In this way, it prevents the use of card information by unknown persons. In the event that any person obtains debit card or credit card information while shopping online, transactions can be made without the cardholder's knowledge.

In this case, the cardholder can file an objection. The security of member merchants and cardholders who use or will use VakıfBank Virtual POS service has been ensured by VakıfBank against possible fraud.

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Advantages of 3D Secure for our Merchant:

  • It enables the merchant to increase sales.
  • Reduces the cardholder's expenditure disputes.
  • It increases the customer's trust in the business with a secure sales system in online shopping.
  • It prevents fraud.
  • Easily integrated into the merchant's existing system.

How to Make WooCommerce VakıfBank Virtual Pos Integration?

VakıfBank Virtual POS Integration

VakıfBank Virtual Pos Integration Has Never Been So Easy

How to Make WooCommerce VakıfBank Virtual Pos Integration?

You're going to build an e-commerce site, you've found the product or service to sell and you've decided on the hosting, domain name, design and infrastructure to be used (wooCommerce) you have also made the solutions completely clear.

You have agreed with a company to receive payment during the sales phase(VakifBank), but if you are not familiar with integration and plugin features or if this topic is too complicated for you, you can use the plugin developed by our team. POS Integrator WordPress Payment Plugin  just for you. With POS Integrator VakıfBank Virtual POS integration quickly and start receiving payments immediately.

To the Guide article where we provide detailed information about VakıfBank Virtual POS from here you can reach.

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