
WooCommerce B2B Plugins

WooCommerce B2B Plugins

WooCommerce is preferred for creating online stores thanks to its flexibility to adapt to any business idea. If you are thinking of creating a B2B site; you can work wonders with WooCommerce. WooCommerce B2B plugins this is where it comes in and allows you to build your dream B2B site.

To build a B2B site that adapts to your customers' wants and needs, you should integrate additional tools and plugins. WooCommerce B2B plugins that you can use for this are listed in this article.

ELEX WooCommerce Catalog Mode

WooCommerce B2B Plugins

With ELEX Catalog Mode plugin you can manage various aspects of B2B sales in your WooCommerce store. It will help you create custom prices for customers based on the user role in your store. It also helps you remove the plugin button for general customers and provide e-commerce functionality only to registered B2B customers. Its highlights include the following:

  • It allows you to create special prices for B2B customers.
  • It makes it possible to set role-based pricing for individual products and various variations.
  • Customized pricing.

Dokan Catalog Mode Plugin

WooCommerce B2B Plugins

Dokan Catalog Mode Plugin, which is among the WooCommerce B2B plugins, is among the popular plugins. This plugin, which makes it easier for your sellers to upload products, saves time. Those who sell the same product are listed on the product pages. In this way, customers can see other sellers of the same product and product prices. Its prominent features are listed as follows:

  • Easy to use vendor panel.
  • Catalog product suggestions can be received from sellers.
  • Products can be added to the catalog mode collectively.
  • Different users can be seen selling the same product.
  • Products without sellers can be hidden in the marketplace.
  • Adding non-catalog products can be turned off.
  • Sellers can select products from the catalog.

Iyzico Marketplace Payment Plugin

WooCommerce B2B Plugins

One of the most used WooCommerce B2B plugins is undoubtedly Iyzico Marketplace Payment plugin. This plugin is compatible with systems such as WooCommerce, WCVendor, Dokan, Product Vendors, WCFM (WC Lovers). Marketplace is a plugin that makes it easy to receive payments from your e-commerce site. It is one of the most popular payment plugins. It allows you to receive payments securely and offer your customers a quality payment environment.

B2B & Wholesale Suite

WooCommerce B2B Plugins

Among the WooCommerce B2B plugins, this plugin is one of the ideal solutions for setting up a wholesale or B2B store using WooCommerce. It handles almost every aspect of a B2C store, including product pricing, discounts, quote request forms, user registration, etc. The plugin has options to easily handle pricing for specific customer groups. It also offers various options to restrict access to guest users on your store. The plugin also helps to create requests for quote options and wholesale order forms.

  • It allows you to easily create specific wholesale prices for different user groups.
  • Offer forms are customized.
  • Easy registration options for general customers and B2B customers.
  • Shopping lists can be saved to enable customers to reorder conveniently.

Wholesale For WooCommerce

WooCommerce B2B Plugins

It is a simple and effective option for managing B2B and wholesale businesses. Store owners will be able to handle both general retail and B2B sales. The plugin offers the option to protect the wholesale area using a password so that general customers cannot access it. You can create custom prices for wholesale customers using user roles. Also, the customizable wholesale registration form will make it easier for customers to sign up for your store. General features include:

  • Wholesale helps you manage all aspects of your e-commerce store.
  • You can create a seamless flow of recordings for your customers.
  • It allows you to offer an exclusive store with tiered price levels for wholesale customers.
  • There is an option to set minimum quantity requirements for purchase.

The marketplace plugins you need are in the Gurmehub collection. If you don't have a B2B site special theme and software you can have a B2B site. With our team for this Communication you can set it up.

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