
Free Turkish WordPress Plugins 2020

Free Turkish WordPress Plugins 2020

When it comes to WordPress, the first thing that comes to mind are thousands of plugins and their benefits. Therefore, in this article, first of all, what are WordPress plugins, how do these plugins work, how to choose paid and free WordPress plugins, and then we have compiled 30 Free Turkish WordPress Plugins with Turkish language support for you. You can click on the section title you will go from the content list.


What are WordPress Plugins?

Free Turkish WordPress Plugins

WordPress Pluginsis a software product that contains a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website and contains its own unique features. They can enhance functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites.

WordPress plugins are written in PHP and work and update seamlessly with WordPress. There's a saying going around in the WordPress community: "there's a plugin for that". It allows users to add many different features to their website without knowing a single line of code.

In the official WordPress plugin directory thousands of freely available WordPress plugins are In this article we will talk about Free Turkish WordPress Plugins. Besides free plugins, there are tons of great commercial plugins available from third-party companies and developers.

What Can WordPress Plugins Do?


WordPress plugins are small software applications that integrate on top of the WordPress software and work together. This allows you to create almost any type of website with WordPress (not just blogs).

For example, you can do the following:

  • Launch an online store with WordPress using the WooCommerce plugin
  • You can create a job board on your WordPress site by installing the Job Manager plugin
  • Start a coupon website like RetainMeNot
  • Create your photography website using Envira Gallery Plugin
  • Create a Wiki website using the Knowledge base plugin
  • Start your own podcast website using WordPress
  • ...

How WordPress Plugins Work

WordPress is written in such a way that other developers can add their own code. Because WordPress is open source, the plugin API offers a robust set of hooks and filters that allow developers to modify existing WordPress functionality or add new functionality.

WordPress also allows developers to input and store data in the WordPress database. Plugins can use WordPress content types, taxonomies and custom fields that allow users to store different types of content, not just posts and pages.

How to choose between free and paid plugins?

There are thousands of free plugins and the chances are good that you will find a free plugin that offers the same functionality as a paid plugin. If it works for you, use it.

Please note that free plugins are offered without any guarantee or promise of support. The plugin developer may stop working on the plugin at any time.

If you think you need a lot of support and you want regular updates, you might be better off using paid plugins.

30 Free Turkish WordPress Plugins


At the moment On WordPress's Plugin Installation Page There are over 23,000 plugins, but very few that are actually useful and useful. The most important thing is to decide which ones are right for you. GourmetWoo  As a team, we have selected the 30 most downloaded plugins among all these plugins to eliminate this situation and compiled them as a list. Here are the 30+ most popular WordPress plugins, download addresses and short descriptions.

All in One SEO Pack: It offers advanced options for search engine optimization (SEO) of your WordPress-based site. It is one of the most important plugins used for search engine optimization (SEO) under the Free Turkish WordPress Plugins title.

Akismet: Checks comments for spam and allows you to take full control from the admin screen.

Google XML Sitemaps: To help search engines index your site better, we create a custom XML sitemap so that google bots can follow your site more closely.

NexGen Gallery: If you want to use a photo gallery on your site, NexGen Gallery is a very useful plugin. It allows you to easily upload images to galleries in bulk, process their meta information, adjust their ranking, and more.

WP Super Cache: WP Super Cache plugin, which converts the pages of your dynamic WordPress site into static HTML pages, shows the HTML version instead of the PHP page to those who visit your site after this process, allowing the pages to load faster and allowing you to use server resources more efficiently.It is one of the free Turkish WordPress Plugins.

GourmetWoo Currency Plugin: Developed by GurmeWoo, you can download the plugin from Free Turkish WordPress Plugins and use it as a shortcode on your pages or widgets. As the exchange rates are taken directly from the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey information system.

Google Analytics for WordPress: If you want to measure your site's statistics with Google Analytics, you can easily integrate Google Analytics into your site with this plugin.

WP Touch: With the use of mobile devices becoming more and more widespread, the fact that WordPress sites can only be viewed on computers has become unresponsive to many new mobile technologies. WP Touch plugin is one of the most important plugins used to make WordPress sites mobile-friendly.

WordPress Importer: Backing up your WordPress site is one of the most important tasks. With this plugin, you can easily and practically back up the pages, articles, categories, comments, tags and custom fields on the sites you backed up and transfer them to another wordpress site.

Fast Secure Contact Form: It is a form plugin that has advanced options for WordPress sites with its administration panel and can create an unlimited number of contact forms.

WordPress SEO by Yoast: It is one of the most preferred and downloaded SEO plugins for search engine optimization (SEO) of WordPress sites.

Share Buttons by Lockerz: It is one of the Free Turkish WordPress Plugins that allows you to share your WordPress posts on over 100 social networks other than e-mail.

WP e-Commerce: It is the most important and most used plugin worldwide among the Free Turkish WordPress Plugins that you can use for an online store that will allow you to sell your products on your WordPress site. Click for more information for WooCommerce.

Google Analyticator: This plugin, which allows you to easily integrate the Google Analytics code that you can use to measure your site statistics, also allows you to easily track the data from the WordPress administration panel.

Tiny MCE Advanced: One of the most important plugins under our Free Turkish WordPress Plugins title, which includes 16 different plugins to enrich the content entry area of WordPress and give you more options.

Sociable: Another important plugin that allows you to provide options for visitors to easily share content from your site on social networks.

Really Simple CAPTCHA: Really Simple CAPTCHA, a security verification (CAPTCHA) plugin developed especially for Contact Form 7, can also be combined with other plugins.

GTrans: A plugin you can use to quickly make your WordPress site multilingual with Google Translate.

WP to Twitter: Allows you to automatically share new posts from your site to Twitter WP Tweets Pro is a free, practical and useful version of the plugin.

Broken Link Checker: As your site grows, it is inevitable that it will become more and more difficult to check if all the existing links are working. Broken Link Checker solves this inevitable situation for you and notifies you of broken links, if any, through the panel.

Add This: Another one of the Free Turkish WordPress Plugins that allows you to give your users the option to share your site's content on 330 popular social networking services.

W3 Total Cache: W3 Total Cache, another one of the free Turkish WordPress Plugins, offers a cache feature to make your site run more efficiently, this plugin aims to increase the user experience.

Buddy Press: It is an important plugin that can be used for users to log in to the site, create profiles, create content and have interactive groups, in a sense making WordPress more social, and it is a great advantage that it is one of the Free Turkish WordPress Plugins.

WP-DB-Backup: An important backup plugin that allows you to backup the WordPress database with table structures.

Smart YouTube Pro: This plugin allows you to integrate YouTube videos and video listings in many different areas of your site in a practical way.

Re-Direction: A plugin that allows you to manage 301 redirects on your site and track 404 page not found errors. It can become a very key plugin, especially for websites with complex structures. Re-Direction, one of these Free Turkish WordPress Plugins, is very important for your site.

WP Polls: It is a survey plugin that offers a wide range of customization options with template and CSS support.


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