WordPress 5.7.1 Security and Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.7.1 Security and Maintenance Release

If you run a WordPress-based site or are a plugin and theme developer, you're probably aware of the newly released and available WordPress 5.7.1. Would you like to learn what the new version offers us before clicking "Update Now"? Continue Reading This Article Now!

The new update is a security and maintenance release. In addition to two important vulnerability fixes 26 errors  correction. This is a security release so you need to integrate the new version into your site immediately.

WordPress 5.7.1 is a short-term security and maintenance release. The next incoming release will be version 5.8.

You can download WordPress 5.7.1 by downloading it from WordPress.org or you can click "Update Now" from your Dashboard → Updates tab.


If you have sites that support automatic background updates, your WordPress site has already been updated automatically.

Security Updates


Prior to the recent update, there were two major security issues that affect all versions of WordPress from 4.7 to 5.7. If you have not yet updated your WordPress site to 5.7, the following security issues will remain for all WordPress versions after 4.7. These are:

  • An XXE vulnerability in the media library affecting PHP 8
  • A vulnerability in the REST API causing a data leak

For more information, The one in Trac full list of changes browse or version 5.7.1 See HelpHub documentation page .

If you want to make your WordPress site more secure 8 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Login You can read our article.