Elementor Releases Conditional Display Feature in Beta with Version 3.19.0

Elementor Releases Conditional Display Feature in Beta with Version 3.19.0

ElementoWith version 3.19.0, r introduces the first phase of the viewing Conditions feature, which allows you to set conditions for viewing elements on your website. By setting display conditions, you can create different visitor experiences based on various parameters, such as the time and date of the visit, the visitor's ID, and the type of page they viewed. You can assign a single viewing condition to an item or set multiple conditions. Currently, when assigning multiple conditions, each one is linked with "AND" logic, which means that the item will be displayed if all conditions are met.

Elementor Releases Conditional Display Feature in Beta with Version 3.19.0
Customize Your Website, Grow Your Business

To set the display conditions for an item, select the item and go to the Advanced tab in the editing panel. Scroll to the New viewing conditions icon and click on it. This will open the viewing conditions model where you can select conditions and set their rules. Categories include "Page", "Post", "User", "Date and Time" and "Other".

To use this feature, you need to enable Elementor > Settings > Properties > Display Conditions.