
Company Setup for E-Commerce

Individuals or organizations wishing to engage in e-commerce must establish a company registered with the Chamber of Commerce. Because all goods bought and sold in accordance with the legislation are subject to tax and must be invoiced. In addition, all official transactions, including the virtual POS application to be made, will proceed through the established company.

Since company establishment processes are official procedures that we do not encounter in daily life, they often seem difficult and complex, but they are very easy and understandable processes as long as they comply with the legislation.

There are 3 types of companies. These are divided into Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Company and Joint Stock Company. The most appropriate company type can be selected according to the capacity of the trade to be carried out and the number of business owners. The easiest and most cost-effective company formation is the sole proprietorship.

Company Establishment Stages

        • Financial Advisor
          First of all, when you decide to establish a company, you should contact a Financial Advisor who you think is an expert in his/her field and agree that your transactions will be carried out and followed up on your behalf.
        • Choosing the Type of Company
          Decide whether the type of company will be a sole proprietorship or a capital company. Responsibilities, advantages and disadvantages depending on whether it is "Sole Proprietorship", "Limited Liability" or "Incorporated"
        • Preparation of Articles of Association
          When drafting the articles of association for the company, we need to agree on the company's characteristics, title, address, manager, capital, profit distribution, etc.
        • Completion of Documents and Submission to the Trade Registry
          Although the contents of the documents in the chamber of commerce of each province and the order and forms of transactions differ, the general outlines are as follows. It may differ in provinces that have not switched to the Mersis system.
          In provinces that have not switched to Mersise, articles of association registration requests and signature declarations are prepared at notaries.
          Chamber of Commerce Documents Required for Company Formation:
          -Company Official Signature Declaration 2 pieces (You can have it done at the Chamber of Commerce)
          -Declaration of Chamber registration (Photographs of the partners should be pasted)
          -Company Establishment Application Form 3 pieces
          -If there is a foreign partner, 1 copy of Establishment notification form (Relevant fields must be filled in and signed by the authorized person)
          -Translated notarized passport copies of foreign real person partners, tax number to be obtained from the tax office or a document showing the identity number specific to foreigners.
        • Potential Tax Identification Number and Bank Process
          A potential tax identification number is obtained by going to the tax office with the company's articles of association.
          (In places that have switched to the MERSIS system, it is provided through mersis.)
          Bu numara şirket tescil edildikten sonra şirketin geçerli vergi numarası olacaktır. Ancak kuruluş aşamasında Anonim Şirket kuruluşu yapıyorsanız bankaya şirket sermayesinin 1/4’ünü yatırabilmek için potansiyel vergi nosuna ihtiyaç vardır. Bankaya gidilerek ortaklar tarafından şirket adına sermayenin %25’i bloke ettirilir ve bankadan ilgili ticaret sicil memurluğuna hitaben bilgi yazısı alınır. Limited Şirket kuruluşu yapıyor iseniz direk sermaye tutarının tamamını daha sonra yerine getirebilirsiniz. Bloke tutarı şirket tescil olduktan sonra şirket işlemlerinde kullanılmak üzere nakit çekilebileceği gibi açılacak şirket hesabına da aktarılabilir .Aynı zamanda rekabet kurumu payı da ticaret odası veznesinden yatırıldığı için bankaya gitmenize gerek yok.
      • Preparation of Signature Circular
        After the registration of the articles of association of the company in the Trade Registry, the company becomes a legal entity. The company manager, who will represent the company, can thus have the signature circular prepared with the signature samples to be signed under the company title at the notary public. Signature circulars will be required for all transactions to be made on behalf of the company. On the day the company is registered, all legally mandatory books must be notarized.
      • Book Certifications
          A. Books Required to be Certified by Sole Proprietorships;
      1. The book to be kept on a business account basis:
      2. Operating Account book.
      3. Bookkeeping in Self-Employment:
      4. Self-employment income book (Article 210)
      5. Business Book in Agricultural Earnings:
      6. Farmer Business Book (Article 213)
        B. Books Required to be Certified by Limited Liability Companies;
    • Defter-i Kebir
    • Journal Book
    • Inventory Book
    • General Assembly Decision Book
    • Shareholder Share Ledger
    • Board of Directors Book (Required if there is more than 1 director)
      C. Books Required to be Certified by Companies;
    • Defter-i Kebir
    • Journal Book
    • Inventory Book
    • Board of Directors Decision Book
    • Shareholder Share Ledger
    • Stamp Tax Book
    • Book certifications will be made at the Trade Registry.
      After the registration of the company, an application is made to the tax office in the field of activity with the following documents;
      Approved articles of association
      Certified signature circular
      Lease Contract (or Photocopy of Title Deed)
      Original company registration letter and registration certificate
      Residence of the company partners
      Original or Certified Copies of Identity Cards
      Notarized identity cards of the company partners
      The relevant tax office checks the address of the company based on the information contained in the documents written above and prepares an attendance report and obtains the signature of the company official. After this report, the company can request a Tax Certificate from the tax office. (With the New Regulation, not every taxpayer, but risk-oriented inspection will be made)
    2. 9. chamber of commerce and industry transactions
      (If the company in question is an industrialist, it must register with the Chamber of Industry).
      1- Chamber of Commerce Application Form
      2- Trade Registry Gazette
      3- Manager Signature Circular
      4- Company articles of association (obtained from the Chamber of Commerce)
      5- Copies of the identity cards of the company partners
      6- Residence certificates of the company partners
      1- Obtain a Workplace Opening and Permit License.
      2- Pay the Environmental Cleaning Tax.
      3- Do not forget to bring your lease contract (photocopy of the title deed if you are the owner of the workplace). Find out the m2 of your office or workplace.
      4- Take the registration copy of the Chamber of Commerce.
      5- Bring your tax certificate.
      6- Take your Trade Registry Gazette
      After all these processes, the entrepreneur, the investor can now start his commercial activity. After printing invoices from the printing house, having them stamped, completing all the necessary documents such as collection and payment receipts, they can also issue invoices. Now the procedural part of the work is over and the hard part of the work where entrepreneurial skills will be displayed has begun. After this process, the entrepreneur can contribute to the development of his business by becoming a member of associations, chambers, unions and similar non-governmental organizations. If he needs to employ insured workers, he can also have these transactions done through the Financial Advisor he has signed a contract with. According to the necessity of the activity to be carried out, it may apply to the relevant municipality for a municipal license and request a license.

Now, if you are ready to do e-commerce as a commercial identity, you can start making money by setting up your site and setting up your virtual pos integration. For detailed information about these issues, you can read our related articles.

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