
Create WordPress Blueprint Gallery

blueprint gallery

What is WordPress Playground?

blueprint gallery
Customize Your Website, Grow Your Business

WordPress Playground gives you access to exact replicas of sites from other developers and lets you analyze how those sites are built. You can also create a copy of your own site and test new plugins, themes or wordpress versions. Developers can preview their plugins before uploading them thanks to custom blueprints.

What is Blueprint?

Blueprints are the name given to the configuration files of a playground site. They can list various settings such as PHP versions, WordPress versions, and also specify the steps needed to set up the right combination of plugins, themes and content for a demo or test site.

What is Blueprint Gallery?

Create WordPress Blueprint Gallery
Customize Your Website, Grow Your Business

The Blueprint gallery is a platform for developers to share their installations. The gallery is available on Github and offers the possibility to share different settings and configurations in JSON file format.

What can you find in the Blueprint Gallery?

In the gallery you can find examples ranging from the login step to automatically installing plugins and themes. You can create content, enable experimental features and add content with wp-cli commands. You can also create plugins to add a custom post type or push content. You just need to familiarize yourself with the pull request process on GitHub and provide a folder with all the necessary files for the blueprint to work.


Auttomattic developers encourage wordpress users to contribute in order to further develop their platform and increase its popularity. Blueprint gallery user manual and detailed information shared on github.

Blueprint Gallery was created to share your WordPress designs and discover the work of others. By joining this community project, you can showcase your own work and get inspired by viewing the work of others.

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