
5 Best WordPress Cache Plugins 2020

5 Best WordPress Cache Plugins 2020

Have you ever been dissatisfied with the performance and speed of your WordPress website? If so, it's time to install the WordPress Cache plugin. In this article, we will test and compare the best WordPress Cache plugins to help you improve your website speed.


However, before we reach the test results by comparing cache plugins, let's take a quick look at what a cache plugin is and its benefits to your site to speed up your WordPress website.

Why Use a WordPress Cache Plugin and Which is the Best Cache Plugin?


As your WordPress website grows, it will unfortunately start to slow down as new content is published and additional plugins are installed. This will be more of a headache if you are using a low-quality web host during WordPress' high traffic spikes.

How Loading Times Affect Your Website

When it comes to page speed and load times, an improvement of just one second can have huge impacts. For example, in 2012 Amazon announced that if websites loaded just one second slower to $1.6 billion in sales. cost is calculated.

Bad Search Engine Rankings

Also, Google as a factor when determining where your content ranks pages in search engine results. uses page speed . So if you want to get more search engine visibility and more traffic from sites like Google, you need to speed up your website.

Whether the purpose of your website is to promote products and services or just to build an audience, the slow speed of your site will not be welcomed by both the user and Google. So what can be done?

Increase WordPress Speed

The good news is that while there are many ways to improve WordPress speed, one of the easiest options is to use a cache plugin. As we'll see in our comparison of the best cache plugins for WordPress, in some cases simply installing and activating a cache plugin can improve your page load times by seconds. But how do WordPress cache plugins work?

What does the Cache Plugin do?

In short, the WordPress Cache plugin helps WordPress run more efficiently. By default, every time a page on your WordPress website is accessed by a visitor, content dynamically persists in the background, including multiple database queries and code execution.

The WordPress Cache plugin creates a static version of your content by removing many of the steps that happen when a page is dynamically rendered. The result is faster page load times and happier visitors.

Which is the Best WordPress Cache Plugin?

If you want to improve your site's SEO, increase conversion rates and give your visitors a more enjoyable user experience, installing a cache plugin is a quick and effective way to do so. However, it's important to note that there are many WordPress Cache plugins to choose from? So, which one should we choose?

To help answer this question, we have compiled the 5 most active and most used wordpress cache plugins for you.

W3 Total Cache


W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular cache plugins for WordPress with over a million installs and 4.3 out of 5 stars on the WordPress Plugin rating. It is updated every few months and is used by many big companies like Smashing Magazine, Mashable, MakeUseOf, Web Designer Depot and many others.

WP Super Cache


Another highly popular freeware WordPress WP Super Cache, a cache plugin with over a million installs and a user rating of 4.2 out of 5, has made it to our list of the best WordPress cache plugins.

WP Rocket


WP Rocket is the most popular premium option in our comparison of the best WordPress cache plugins. Its consistently positive score when juxtaposed against other caching plugins for WordPress and the fact that it's currently installed on over 100,000 sites is the reason it's on our list. A single-site license is $49, a three-site license is $99, and an unlimited license is $249.

WP Fastest Cache


WP Fastest Cache is similar to many other cache plugins, but with fewer customization options, it's easier for the average user to grasp. It is updated frequently and has a score of 4.8 out of 5 in the WordPress Plugin rating. There are more than 100,000 active WP Fastest Cache users. I would also like to remind you that the creator of the plugin is Turkish. 🙂

Hyper Cache



Hyper Cache is a PHP caching plugin that works on any WordPress blog and requires no complex configuration. It has separate caches for desktop and mobile users and an extra feature that allows it to cache effectively even on sites with very active user comments and discussion participation. It has a score of 4.5 out of 5 against other caching plugins and has over 50,000 active users according to WordPres Plugin statistics.

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