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How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Site

How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Site

There are many ways to monetize your WordPress website, such as affiliate marketing and ad display. In fact, displaying ads on your site can make you a significant amount of money, depending on your strategy and traffic figures.

When it comes to advertising platforms, Google AdSense is one of the best options for most WordPress websites. It's easy to set up and since the platform has many advertisers, you can match your site with ads that are relevant to your visitors.

In this article WordPress Google AdSense how it works and how to get ad codes. After that Google AdSense on WordPressmanually. Let's do it!

How Google AdSense Works

google adsense

AdSense is an advertising network that anyone with a website can join. Therefore, if AdSense approves your website, you can start showing ads from its network. Once you're in, AdSense pays you for the clicks or impressions that the ads you display receive. 

Every ad on the network comes from Google Ads publishers. This is a separate platform designed exclusively for marketers. It allows them to create campaigns and ads that appear on websites like yours.

In practice, Google offers marketers a wide range of tools to ensure that only relevant audiences see their ads. This is great news for you because it means that the ads you show on your site will be relevant to your visitors.

If you want to join Google AdSense with an existing website apply to the platform You should . Ideally, the website should already have some content and an existing audience. Without enough traffic, you won't make much money from advertising, regardless of the network you use.

Once your website has been reviewed and accepted (this can take a few days), you are ready to place ads on your site.

How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Site

You can easily run AdSense ads manually on your WordPress website without using a plugin.

Get Your Google AdSense Ad Code

Broadly speaking, AdSense using two approaches allows you to place ads on your website:

  1. Manual ads - You can configure ad zones for your site and decide where to place them.
  2. Automated ads - AdSense decides how many ads are shown on each page and where they are shown (although it gives you some control over ad limits).

Either way, AdSense decides which ads to show on your site. Since the automatic option allows you to decide which pages ads will be shown on and set a limit, this is the approach I recommend.

Access your AdSense account for any of your sites and set up the automatic advertising feature Ads > Overview screen to activate it.

From here next to your site Edit button and click Automated ads  feature. Now, you will see a piece of code similar to the following:

Google Adsense

Add AdSense Code Manually in the Header of Your Theme

If you want to manually add custom code to your website's header, the best way to do it is Like FileZilla is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client. This allows you to connect to your website and organize its files much easier from your WordPress dashboard.

For this scenario, your theme functions.php  file and preferably edit the you need to use a child theme . This way, your custom code, such as your Google ads, won't get lost when you need to update your theme (which happens often).

WordPress to get started root  folder and access your  Go to wp-content / themes . Search for the folder of your theme or child theme and open it. Inside functions.php a file named  you should be able to see  :


Right click on the file and find the option to open it. This will open the file using your default text editor.

To place your Google AdSense code in the header of your site, use the following code fragment functions.php you need to add it to your file:

add_action ('wp_head', 'adsense_code');
function adsense_code () {


    <? php

Name of the function adsense_code () ' you can change it to a name of your preference.

That's it! If you need to remove Google ads from your site, you can use the code functions.php  file or disable the child theme.


If you have a website that gets a lot of traffic, ads are one of the best ways to monetize your audience.

With Google AdSense, you get access to perhaps the largest ad network in the world. This means you can display ads that your target audience will find relevant and what's more, payments should go through without a hitch to boot.

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