
Ways to Increase Sales on Your E-Commerce Site: Make an Offer!

Ways to Increase Sales on Your E-Commerce Site: Make an Offer!

When Don Corleone said, "Make me an offer I can't refuse," we had no idea how memorable that phrase would become. Now every time you hear that phrase, The Godfather movie comes to mind. Imagine you are looking at a product you really like online and the seller tells you exactly those words. Well, not for sure; but if he gives you the option to make an offer for the price, wouldn't you feel special as a customer? I'm sure you would! And guess what, there are actually very few eCommerce sites that have this feature!

WooCommerce Enable "Make an Offer" in Your Store

Ways to Increase Sales on Your E-Commerce Site: Make an Offer!

From a seller's perspective, there is nothing more profitable than an excited and happy buyer. The 'bid' feature in WooCommerce has the potential to turn an unsure buyer into a confident one. It gives the seller the opportunity to be flexible. This will make the buyer happy, no matter how good we are at negotiating as a country.

So how does something like this help the seller? Let's take a look!

Benefits of 'Making an Offer' for Sellers

Ways to Increase Sales on Your E-Commerce Site: Make an Offer!

WooCommerce's make an offer feature may not be welcomed by the seller. But this is actually not the case. In fact, there are many advantages for a merchant to put the ball in the customer's court.

  1. It's a great way to build customer trust and loyalty. Buyers want to be able to interact one-on-one with a seller. Add to that the chance to negotiate the price of a product they love. It's amazing! Customers trust a seller who promises to consider their offers and actually talks to them. This is an added incentive for your customers to keep choosing you.
  2. The seller can put his negotiation skills to good use by convincing customers to bargain with him and set a win-win price for the product. And in the process, it also helps him to increase his sales. 
  3. WooCommerce 'make an offer' featurecan help the seller sell products that are sure to bring in more revenue. They can strategically make these products negotiable and sell more in the process. Products that are best sellers, popular or generally popular with customers can be made even more popular by giving buyers a chance to make a bid.
  4. It will also help sell products that customers have had on their wish list for a long time, but for one reason or another have been putting off buying. Many people wait for product prices to drop and keep them on their wish list until then. If given the chance to make an offer, they may consider buying the items on their wish list.

If you're wondering where this technique has been used before, you won't be surprised to know that even Amazon has taken advantage of it in the past! In December 2014  Amazon to the sellers of 'Make an offer' feature, allowing buyers to bid lower than the listed prices. Buyers had the chance to submit an offer and start negotiations over email. It was a big hit with users and attracted a lot of attention.

How Can I Use the WooCommerce Make Offer Feature?

I am sure you have been excitedly searching for the answer to this question until this point in my article. If you are thinking about contact forms, put them out of your mind right now! You need a special communication environment for these conversations. Contact forms are a great way for customer feedback, post-sales inquiries, reducing website spam, reducing service information requests and controlling the flow of ambiguous information by knowing exactly what customers want.

Now 'Make Offer' feature, you will have taken a huge step forward for your store. Even think about the upcoming holiday parties and gift exchanges! Instead, choose a tool that is specially built for customers to bid on you. If you have a marketplace, you can automate this feature so that the relevant seller receives the query directly from the buyer.

Benefits of the Dedicated 'Make Offer' Communication Channel

It helps you find any email immediately without having to sift through hundreds of irrelevant emails.

  • Additional sales coverage.
  • It allows customers to interact with you directly.
  • It turns unsure buyers into potential customers.
  • To buyers what they want to bargain for something.

And the best part is that very few websites have a "Make Offer" feature, which gives you the chance to make money and keep your buyers happy at the same time. This is probably a perfect example of a win-win situation. So what are you waiting for?

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