TheLifeCo belonging to the company Dietitian We have been involved in the whole process from the beginning to the end of the project.

During the project process, the needs were analyzed, the project was designed from start to finish, drawings and sketches were made. The project was built on bringing together dietitians and people looking for dietitians.

Affiliate system was included in the project and it was ensured that dietitians recommend TheLifeCo products on their own pages and affiliate commission was received from the sales realized with these suggestions. In the project, a plugin and interface was developed that allows dietitians to select products from the store and display them on their pages.

TheLifeCoShop Dietitian Project
Customize Your Website, Grow Your Business

Publishing Blog Posts by Dietitians

At the same time, an interface has been developed on their own pages so that dietitians can publish their own blog posts on the site, so dietitians can publish their own blog posts on

What is is a TheLifeCo initiative to bring dietitians and dietitian-seeking users together.

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