Custom Developed Document Plugin for Selling Products on the Marketplace with Dynamic Commission Rates

Customer Need:

5fil.comis a leading online marketplace offering a wide range of sellers and products. The platform offers a powerful infrastructure for sellers to easily list, sell and manage their products. However, with the growth of the marketplace, there was a need to dynamically adjust the commission rates applied to sales based on product prices - a critical requirement to ensure competitive pricing and increase the sustainability of the platform.


As Gurmehub, to meet this special need of Dokan We have developed a customized commission management plugin built on top of the WooCommerce plugin. This plugin offers dynamic commission rates that can be automatically adjusted based on the sale price. Our plugin gives marketplace admins the flexibility to set different commission rates based on product categories, seller levels or selling price ranges.


  • Dynamic Commission Rates: Automatically updated commission rates as the sale price increases or decreases.
  • Category Based Settings: Defining different commission rates for different product categories.
  • Customization by Vendor Level: Customized commission rates depending on sellers' performance or level.
  • User Friendly Interface: An intuitive interface that allows managers to easily set commission rates.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Detailed reports and analysis to monitor the performance of commission rates.


  • Competitive Pricing: Sellers can attract more customers by offering competitive prices.
  • Flexibility: Marketplaces can offer flexible commission structures for different types of sellers and products.
  • Ease of Management: Reduces the workload of managers by automating complex calculations.
  • Increased Sustainability: The platform becomes more sustainable by generating fair and optimized revenue from sales.

This special plugin we developed for has contributed significantly to the growth and development of the platform. Sellers have more freedom in their pricing strategies thanks to more flexible commission structures, while management ensures the future of the platform by receiving a fair share of sales. Gurmehub is proud to have successfully completed this project and we are ready to offer customized solutions for other marketplaces with similar needs.

5fil Dokan Special Commission Calculator
Customize Your Website, Grow Your Business

Bonus Build Your Own Marketplace with EasyBazaar and Dokan

It offers itself as a proven specialty in the e-commerce sector. We, as Gurmehub, not only provide our customers with high quality products, but also help them make a difference in the digital world by creating customized solutions for their needs. EasyBazaar project, we can take this mission one step further and transform e-commerce sites into marketplaces by using WooCommerce and Dokan infrastructures, and facilitate processes such as creating sellers and calculating commissions.

This special plugin we developed for Dokan is a Marketplace Plugin that allows our customers to transform their virtual merchant websites into marketplaces. With this plugin, they can easily earn commissions on marketplace sales while providing a convenient and seamless checkout experience for our clients and their merchants.

Gurmehub, with its deep experience in plugin development and innovative approach, always prioritizes customer satisfaction. With projects like EasyBazaar, we will continue to provide innovative solutions to the e-commerce ecosystem and help our customers grow their businesses. Our expertise in plugin development is not only based on technical skills, but also on our ability to accurately analyze the needs of the industry and create effective solutions for these needs. At Gurmehub, our goal is to enable our customers to authenticate their presence in the digital world and take their business to new heights.

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