Our customer mrguild.com, our e-commerce site that sells suits, stated that they needed a PWA application that can work integrated with the website in order to alleviate the processes in the warehouse and the work of the staff in the return processes.

During the project process, we held many meetings with the company and listened to their needs.

General Outline of the Project

When a customer requests a refund for a product purchased through the site, he/she should have a coupon that he/she can use on the site as a refund and that provides a discount as much as the price of the returned product. When the user comes to the cart, the return coupon belonging to him should be automatically applied and the special coupon code should be sent to the customer via e-mail and sms.

The staff should be able to see the details of the incoming return, see the price, approve the return, accept partial returns on orders with multiple products, see all the products returned and in the warehouse.

We developed the project as PWA to be mobile compatible, so that the staff can view the application running simultaneously with the site on their mobile devices very quickly and do not need to update the application repeatedly after the changes made.

mrguildpwa 1

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