
What is E-Export? What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Export? 2020

What is E-Export? What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Export? 2020

Offering us opportunities such as micro export privileges and different payment facilities E-Exportis the most important step in implementing trade between countries in a more practical way. With the introduction of the B2C (Business to Consumer) trade model E-Export is becoming more and more important every day. The most important reason for this is that international payment methods make it easier to trade between different countries.


What is E-Export?


E-export Although it has recently started to attract attention in our country, this issue is especially e-commerce is not alien to those who have mastered the idiom. Nowadays, it is easy to understand the structure of e-export and grasp the technical aspects in an easy way.

When we step into international trade, we have to abide by strict and unforgiving rules. International Export Regulations, tax-exempt businesses, citizens' rights and security, bilateral agreements with other countries and many more rules and laws... But E-Export With the help of the export platform, you can easily overcome most of these laws and rules and it becomes very easy for you to export.

With the increasing interest in e-export, new incentives and state supports have been created, and it is sufficient for those who demand to make a project and apply with the necessary documents.

You can review career opportunities in the field of exports here.

Advantages of E-Export

E-ExportIn general, it radically solves the cost of an "intermediary" and the problems associated with this situation. It also allows you to have more control over sales and interact directly with your customers. Here are some of the most important advantages:

  • Your potential profits increase because you eliminate middlemen.
  • Since all aspects of the transactions are in your hands, you have more control.
  • You get to know your customers.
  • Your customers know you and therefore feel safer doing business with you directly.
  • Your business trips are much more efficient and effective because you can meet directly with the customer responsible for selling your product.
  • You know who to contact in the event of a negative situation.
  • It provides faster and more direct feedback about your customers, your product, your performance in the market and much more.
  • Gain new knowledge and experiences. Being in the international arena provides many valuable ideas and insights into new technologies, new marketing techniques and foreign competitors.
  • Many products go through various cycles such as entry, growth, maturity and decline. When the product reaches the final stage, i.e. maturity, in a particular market, it may be introduced to a different market where the product has never been marketed before.
  • You have better protection for your trademarks, patents and copyrights.
  • You can decisively engage in the export process.
  • You understand the market better.
  • As your business develops in the external market, you have more flexibility to improve or redirect your marketing efforts.

Disadvantages of E-Export

While there are many advantages to e-Exporting, in some cases there are also disadvantages.

  • It takes more time, energy and money than you can afford if you don't manage it well.
  • Serving will demand more responsibility from all levels of your organization.
  • Whatever happens, you will be held responsible.
  • You may not be able to respond to customer communications as quickly as a local agent.
  • You have to handle all the logistics of the transaction.
  • If you have a technological product, you should be prepared to answer technical questions, provide initial training and ongoing support services.
  • Product Modification. Changes are often required for the importing country's labeling or packaging rules.
  • Financial risk. Collection of payments using existing methods (open account, prepayment, consignment, document collection and letter of credit) is not only more time-consuming than domestic sales, but also more complex. Therefore, companies carefully calculate the financial risk associated with the realization of international transactions.

What is Micro Export?

what is micro-e-export

As the name suggests, it can be defined as "the smallest export". It has been accepted with the regulation made on the "Export Circular" published by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey.

In order to be able to export, you must be working with a customs brokerage firm and be registered with the Exporters Association. However, if the product you sell abroad does not exceed 300 KG weight and 15.000 Euros including all taxes, the obligation to work with customs brokerage companies and the obligation to be a registered company of the Exporters' Union disappears. In other words; shipping a product weighing a maximum of 300 KG that you sell with a base price of 15,000 Euros abroad as if you sold it to a domestic customer is called micro-export.

E-export for small and medium-sized enterprises to open up to the world without bureaucratic obstacles Micro export legislation provides for the sale of products abroad. Thanks to this legislation, existing businesses can sell their products abroad without any extra procedures.


We understand that the e-export industry is growing rapidly. This is due to the tremendously increasing number of global consumers in all directions. We want to share more information about e-export and with this article we want to create a guide. In our next article Methods of receiving payment for e-Export we will talk about it. Please stay tuned.

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