
What is WordPress Permalink?

What is WordPress Permalink?

A permalink is the full address (URL) of a web page. Because it is a permanent link, it is called a permalink and is not expected to change as long as it is published on the internet.


They also give you the opportunity to tell readers and search engines what your website or page is about.

Permalinks can be as long as 2083 characters, but SEO according to the rules, it has to be short.

What is WordPress Permalink and Slug Structure?


Slug and permalink are often closely related because the information is actually part of your permalink.

Slug information is the part of the URL that points to a specific page on a website in a simple and easy-to-read format. It always follows the domain slash (/).

The part of a URL that describes the content of that page.

Using this article as an example, the URL " http://gurmehub.com/wordpress/ " and the slug is " wordpress-permanent-link-what-is ".

Like the content of your website, permalinks should be optimized for SEO.

PermalinksIt should be short and descriptive and contain the necessary main information that explains exactly what the web post or page is about.

It is best to use the same SEO keywords that you use for the title of a web page. Doing so gives search engines a good idea of what the content of the page covers. It also increases your chances of ranking higher in search results for those keywords.

Also https in the browser. This indicates that the page is secure and that all information sent between the web server and the browser is encrypted.


All permalinks must be in lower case, as some web servers handle capital letters differently. Each word within one must be separated by hyphens (-).

When working on your SEO-friendly URL, don't waste valuable space with words that don't add any value ("for", "on", "one", "and", etc.).

Similarly, don't worry about punctuation. Commas, periods, quotation marks, etc. are invalid URL characters and will be removed automatically.

It is best to keep the permalinks the same, but it is possible to change them if necessary. If you decide to change a permalink anyway, it is important that you set up a 301 redirect.

By setting a 301 redirect, both users and search engines will be sent to a different URL than the one they want. This allows users to click on an old link and get to the page you want them to see. It also helps prevent broken links and 404 errors.

WordPressis the most popular CMS in the world for many reasons. Chief among them is innovation.

WordPress was the first platform to use the term "permalink" and customizing the URL structure for your entire website is quite simple.

You can edit your link settings in WordPress. Simply by clicking Settings tab, then click Lasting Connections  option in the menu.

Also Best Seo Plugins for WordPress You can check our article.

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